Thursday, August 30, 2012

Boden day five

Day Four
They took him off his bili lights and stopped his antibiotics because his labs have improved.  I love that we are making progress, but it seems like he has already been there forever and it's only been four days : (  We are still struggling with feedings and he is still on IV fluids, but everyday is another day closer to coming home.  We love you Boden!!

Day Five
Today Boden got moved from Room 1 to Room 3.  He is now up to his max feeding amount every three hours so they stopped his IV fluids and took out his IV.  We are now just waiting on him to start picking up his feedings from a bottle so we don't have to feed him through his tube but that is all on his time now. I know he will get it, but it's so frustrating now because I just wish I could take him home and feed him, but that's the rules so whatever.  I just hope he catches on quick and he can come home sometime this weekend or the first of next week : (  Oh I LOVE his fat cheeks, he is so chunky and I LOVE it!! 
His cheeks are so fat it looks like he has no chin.  LOL I love it!!



  1. He is so sweet!! I heard at work the other day that you had had him! Congrats!!

  2. He is so cute... Definitely love the cheeks. Congrats you guys! Hopefully he will get to come home this weekend.

  3. What a cutie patootie. I love his fat cheeks. That is exactly what Bodee looked like. He had the fatest cheeks that made him look chinless. You two make darling little boys. I really liked the name Boden when we were deciding Bodee's name. Bode came from Boden. We just added another 'e' so the announciation would be correct. Glad you found a darling name to fit a darling little man.

  4. sending prayers your way! I hope you get him home soon!

  5. Congrats you guys! I have been checking you blog to see if he came yet. I know you were hoping to keep him in a little longer. I hope he can leave the NICU soon and go home. He is just darling and I love all his hair and his fat cheeks. Luv & miss ya. Sending my prayers.. Tell Zac congrats too!

  6. Oh, I'm just so ready to cuddle up with little Bo. We love you guys! *
