Monday, June 27, 2011

Paint anyone...

This is what happens when two little boys get into a gallon of paint unsupervised...

I am not sure there's much to say for this, but this is what the boys did yesterday morning before Zac and I woke up. They are only 2 and 4, I can't even imagine what else we will be having to deal with for the next 20 years and i am sure whatever they don't think of Beckem will. Gotta love it. When I was talking to Scott (my brother) he laughed for a little bit and then said, "Well, don't forget to enjoy the journey" and that's just what I am trying to do.


  1. Oh did you clean that one up? You win for that day, I have nothing to compare to that.

  2. oh dear! you are so much better than me! i have so much to learn :) bless their little naughty hearts!

  3. OH. MY. GOSH. You are a trooper and a REALLY good mom, because I would have FLIPPED out!!! Your family will look back on these and love that you have that memory.
