Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The love for a grandma

Kyson has always had a special place in his heart for Great-Grandma Miller and Great Grandma Rogers.  At least once a week we have a conversation about Great Grandma Rogers and Kyson asking how come she has to live all alone.  He usually says, "that is so sad huh mom that she is all alone"  You can tell from the way he says it that his little heart aches for the lonliness that Great Grandma feels.   Whenever she is around Kyson loves to go sit by her and give her some company.  
At Boden's blessing it did not take very long until Kyson made his way over to her side and snuggled right up against her.  He sat and LISTENED to sacrament for at least 30 or 40 minutes which is a world record.  That boy has so much energy that he usually never holds still for more than five mins tops.  Me and Zac just sat and watched in amazement how still he sat and and how good he was.  After sacrament I told my grandma she was hired to come each week with us so Kyson would listen in church. She just grinned and said to me, "There are three good things about today.  Number one, I made the choice to get up and get ready for church and got to partake of the sacrament, which is nice because I don't get it that much.  Number two, I got to hear Zac give a beautiful blessing and feel the spirit. Number three which is closely tied with number two is I got to snuggle with Kyson and he just made my day."  The smile on her face was so beautiful and it made me so happy that my son could bring her some joy for the day. 
Later that night my dad called me and told me that my grandma had told him on the way home the same thing she told me earlier, but she also told him something else that I didn't know even happened.  When the sacrament came around Kyson reached for the sacrament tray and got a cup out for grandma and gave it to her.  She was so impressed that a three year old boy would think of her.  She said most the time she wont take the water because she can't see very good and she is afraid to stick her finger in someone elses water, but today she didn't have to worry about it, Kyson took care of it for her.  I was so proud of my little man when I heard what he did.  I am so grateful for the joy that Kyson was able to bring to my grandma for a day.  I talked with my aunt today and she said that my grandma has been bragging all week to everyone about how amazed she is at the little act that Kyson did for her.  I love that Kyson has such a special place in his heart for the elderly and especially for his Great Grandma Rogers!! 

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