Friday, November 30, 2012

Somethings aren't taught

I try so hard to teach my boys to be polite, have manners, be nice, the normal things that any mother would want their boys to know.  My boys do things sometimes and I think, I never taught you that (good or bad) so how did you know that. 

Tegan has always been very sensitive and aware of other's feelings.  When he was about 9 months old or so we started noticing this because we were at pizzeria eating dinner and another baby started to cry and he looked at us and got huge tears in his eyes and started to cry.  After that happened if you pretended to cry or really were crying he would start to cry.  

A month ago we were at the doctor's office and I looked over at Tegan and he had tears in his eyes, I kind of ignored it because I don't like to embarrass him and I don't want him to feel stupid when he gets emotional about things.  I didn't say anything and then shortly after I looked at him he told me, "mom I feel sad for Boden".  I asked him why and then he told me "because he has to get shots and I didn't want Boden to hurt".  I then had to explain to him that he gets shots and has a little hurt now so he doesn't have a big hurt later and get really sick.  

When we go to pick up Kyson from preschool on Tues and Thurs Tegan loves to stop to get an Arby's roast beef sandwich because he gets dropped off at kindergarten after we pick up Ky.  About a year ago he would finish one sandwich and he would ask for another one, so now I order him two.  Well, a little while ago he finished his first one and I told him, "Teg, I have another sandwich for you" and he replied, "It's okay, Beckem can have it" I had to explain to him that I bought one for Beckem.  Then he says, "okay well, Kyson can have it."  I told him I bought one for Ky.  "Okay you can have it mom" was his reply, "Tegan I bought my own" was my response to him.  After going through everyone in the car and making sure everyone had been fed he finally took his sandwich.  I was so impressed by this small act but how huge it felt to me that my little boy would be so aware of others and make sure no one went without.  

Yesterday this similar thing happened again.  We stopped and got a sandwich but Tegan didn't want two.  This was our conversation,
Tegan: "mom, I don't want two today"  
Me: "I already ordered you two, how come you don't want two??"
Tegan: "Beckem or Kyson can have it"
Me: "I already got them one"
Tegan: "Okay I guess I will eat it"
Me: "You don't have to if you don't want it"
Tegan: "But mom, I don't want to waste it"
(What five year old worries about wasting food??)
Me: "It's okay it won't go to waste, I will give it to dad"
Tegan: "Okay mom, give it to dad, that will be good"

There was one time that Kyson got in trouble and I punished him.  After a few minutes Tegan came down from the bonus room with tears in his eyes.  I was frustrated at the situation of having to get after Kyson and said, now what is the matter with you?? He just looked at me with such a sweet look and said, mom I am sad because Kyson got in trouble. I was so humbled at that moment and felt bad for snapping at Tegan. 

There are multiple times this has happened, I wish I would be better at writing them down because they are so tender to me.

I don't feel that I have taught Tegan this.  I think that he has just been sensitive and has always had a huge heart.  I hope that he keeps this trait his whole life.  This is a quality that I pray all my boys will have.  However Tegan learned it I don't know how, but I truly believe that it wasn't completely taught to him, I think he was born with a huge heart and is so aware of others and their feelings.  He brings so much love to our family, I love him so much!!     

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are just darling and you seem like an amazing mom. I am unsure as to how you do it? At times I feel completely unqualified with my two boys. It's funny you mentioned a story such as this...Yesterday as I was getting ready for the day I was thinking back on how I have always been sensitive of others needs. My earliest recollection is being about five years old at Harmon's and seeing an elderly woman walking with a walker. She did not appear to be in pain, she just needed a bit of help walking and that broke my heart. I still feel like that little girl sitting on the wooden bench with tears streaming down my face. Honestly, I have to choke down the tears now as I type that memory. I was recalling upon such memories due to the fact that I had just finished a service project for Primary Children's. I was humbled and elated to provide service for other's who are in need. My little Jesse has very soft feelings also and seems to be aware of others.
