Thursday, November 22, 2012

A time of blessings

About two weeks ago Zac tore his ACL and meniscus.  We didn't really know how bad it was until we went to the orthopedic surgeon and found out it was a complete tear.  Dr. Harrison told us he can't work until he gets it repaired and then after the repair it will need three months to heal.  The soonest they could fit him in is Dec. 21st for surgery.  Zac's job doesn't have any type of medical leave or benefits to help compensate for his wages.  I was very stressed after hearing the news and in my mind didn't know how we are going to make it, especially with the holidays coming up. 

Zac is not a hugely spiritual man, but he has a strong testimony of our Savior and has a ton of faith.  He could tell I was stressing, even though I was trying so hard not to show it because there was nothing he could do about the situation.  Zac just looked at me and told me, "Chelese, have faith.  The Lord will provide a way for us, just like He always has."  I love my Savior so much and truly believe with Him anything is possible, but I let life get in the way of that faith sometimes and I am so grateful for my husband's faith to help keep reminding me to have faith.  

There are so many things I am grateful for and I love Thanksgiving and this time of year that helps us stop and think about how blessed we really are.  This past Sunday in R.S. Katie Price taught our lesson and she said, "no matter how bad your life is, just remember it could always be worse" and that is so true!!  Even though our financial situation is tough right now and Zac is in pain, we could have such bigger problems.

I am so grateful for my life that I have.  I love spending everyday with my best friend.  I am so grateful that I have four amazing boys to call me mom.  I am so grateful for my career and the job I do have to provide for our family in this time of hardship.  I am grateful for the gospel and the strength it gives me and my family everyday.  I am so grateful for this beautiful world in which we live in and get to enjoy each day.  The list goes on and on, but mostly I am so grateful for all my many blessings that each day brings!!  

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!    


1 comment:

  1. Andrew also tore his ACL and Dr. Harrison did his surgery as well. He was 17 when he tore his playing football. He will need a total knee replacement in the future due to the lack of cartilage in his L knee. I will keep your family in my thoughts while you go through this surgery and struggle. I love your faith. I wish mine was just as strong always. I tend to really struggle because like you said, when you struggle, Zac is there to remind you of the divinity of faith and trusting in the Lord. Although, I dearly love my husband I do not have the little extra push when I begin to doubt, struggle or lack faith. I do enjoy reading other's blogs filled with their testimony, such as yours, as it helps me with my own testimony. So I am thankful for others sharing their testimony with me. Happy Thanksgiving.
