Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Pictures of Beckem

Our first family picture together

Great Grandma Thomas holding Beckem for the first time

Beckem with Nana and Papa

My four favorite boys

The boys can't get enough of him

On our way home we stopped to have Beckem meet Great-Grandma Rogers for the first time. She hasn't been feeling really good lately but it's so cute to see her cheer up when she gets a newborn baby in her arms.


  1. Such a cute family! So glad Beckem is home.

  2. Yeah, so happy to see you all together outside the walls of the hospital. Your family is super cute. I can't believe your boys, they all look just like dad. Hope you are adjusting well to three boys, you look amazing!

  3. Your family pic is my favorite. We sure love that little guy! *

  4. I'm so glad that Beckem is home with his family!! He is such a cutie!! Enjoy your time off.
