Sunday, August 8, 2010

Our Savior's Love

What a traumatic last hour...We got home from church and Tegan immediately ran into the bathroom, I was trying to get our church stuff put away and all the sudden I hear the toilet seat SLAM and a horrifying scream. I went into the bathroom to find out that the toilet seat had fallen down and yep you guessed it, Tegan wasn't quick enough to move. I felt so bad and all he kept saying was, "Mommy make my pee pee better, make it better." Feeling so helpless all I could was hold him and comfort him.

After consoling Tegan and convincing him life will be okay, we started to make Mac and Cheese for lunch. The boys LOVE to help me when I am cooking so they both pulled up their stools and were helping me. I repeated myself about seven hundred times not to touch the stove and they both are really good about staying back away from it but Kyson wanted to see the noodles boiling and leaned forward and yeah...burned the tips of two fingers. I immediately ran it under water, ironically I just burned my hand pretty bad on the tiller engine earlier this week so I knew exactly what he was feeling. He just kept rubbing it on everything and screaming. I just kept re-living the pain I had when I burned my hand and it brought tears to my eyes because I knew how bad his fingers were hurting. I tried everything to take the pain away but I couldn't.

As I was holding him and Tegan, because he was still hurt too, I wanted so badly to make them stop hurting, but I couldn't. All I could do was hold them and love them and help them through their suffering.

I just kept thinking of our loving Father in Heaven and how badly He must hurt and suffer with us through our trials and pains in life. My kids were mildly hurt but I hurt so bad inside because I wanted to take all their pain away. I never want to see my boys hurt and I wish I could prevent it from happening, but that's part of this life. I know Heavenly Father can't take our pain away completely, but He can comfort us and hold us when we are hurting. I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven and the love that He has for everyone of us. I feel so blessed to have the gospel in my life and the comfort it gives me in this crazy world we live in today. I am so grateful for the trials I have had in my life and the strength that He gives me to learn and grow from them. I love my Father in Heaven with all of my heart and can't wait for the day when I can return Home and see Him again!!

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