Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Tegan had his first day of school today. He LOVED it. He was so excited all morning to go. It was funny at breakfast there was a fly flying around our kitchen and he said, "Mom, don't let that fly mess my hair up, I have to go to school." I just started to laugh and reminded him that he didn't have any hair to mess up. He is so cute!! I am so excited for him to learn so much this year and have fun at school. Teacher Sue is AWESOME!!

He is looking so grown up!!
After we got home from school I put Kyson down for his nap and Tegan came outside with me. I mowed the lawn and then pulled weeds the flower bed. Tegan "helped" me weed the flower bed. While he was helping me he said, "Man, this one is a tough one, we sure are woking hard" I just started to smile. Then about two minutes went by and he said "I need to go play with my trucks now because I have worked so hard" Ha ha, where does he come up with this stuff. When we were all done pulling weeds we came inside and he said, "I need to go wash my hands because I worked so hard and they are so dirty" : ) I love kids!!

1 comment:

  1. What a little man! He is getting so big. Man, I love that kid. Glad that Day 1 started off good for him and you. *
