Sunday, August 29, 2010

Homeless Friend

Something touch me this weekend and it's moments like this that I always want to remember. I went for a walk to see Zac on Thursday night and there was a homeless lady sitting in Maverik's parking lot, thinking nothing of it I just walked on by did our usual nightly routine of going to see Zac at the side job. The next day (about 24 hours later) I was driving home and noticed this lady was still sitting outside of Maverik. The day had been so HOT and she had only moved about five feet. I went home and grabbed some bottles of water and went to meet this sweet lady. Her name was Marjorie, she was very nice. That 30 minutes or so that I got to spend with her opened my eyes and touched my heart. As I left Marjorie I just thought about how blessed I am to have my family and a home to come home to each night. Though I thought I was helping someone in need, I think I was actually the one in need. She helped me realize the simple, but beautiful things we have in our lives. I have such a great husband, two amazing boys, food on my table every night and TONS more to be thankful for. Even though Marjorie had been sitting there over 24 hours she still had a smile on her face and was happy about life. I wish no one in this world had to be homeless or go hungry, it just doesn't seem fair!!
After we came back that night from the almost newlywed game for Krystal and Jayk Marjorie was gone. Hopefully she found the ride she was looking for to head North. I am so grateful for people like Marjorie who are placed in my life to help make me a better person!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you've got guts. I wish I had enough ambition to do that. Amazing the lessons we learn from those we don't know much of. *
