Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Making me laugh

The other day I was doing laundry and of course the boys were "helping" me, they love to help me pull things out of the dryer. I went to go put some clothes away and as I headed back for some more clothes I could hear little giggles, and this is what I came back to...I couldn't help but laugh, they were having so much fun.

These next pictures are them "pretending" to take a nap. They were both making snoring noises and everything. You can tell in the picture though, they couldn't stop laughing while they were "sleeping." Once again I just busted out laughing, they are so cute.

While the boys were eating I gave Ky a rag to wipe his ketchup fingers and after I got done doing the dishes I turned around to Kyson sitting there with the rag on his head. What a goofball!!

It's moments like this that makes being a mommy so worth it!! Thanks for always making me laugh, I love you guys so much!!

1 comment:

  1. How fun is that? I remember as a child getting into the dryer. Although, growing up with a bunch of brothers, I think I was forced into it. haha. *
