Thursday, June 24, 2010

Camping in Idaho

For the past week we have been camping in Idaho. I feel bad for Zac because he had to put up with my grumpy butt for most of the time. I HATE being cold and I HATE staying in a tent with little kids, but thankfully Zac is a very patient man and put up with me and tried to find the good in it all. If you are wondering why the boys are dressed like it's winter in some of these pictures, it's because most mornings when we woke up it was around 27-30 something degrees. It was SO COLD and one day it rained ALL DAY and was freezing. Of course the day we left was perfect weather and was so warm. We found fun things to do though. We went fishing, Zac taught Tegan how to shoot a gun for the first time, enjoyed the campfire, went on a fun scavenger hunt that Aunt Brandje made up, played with the family and enjoyed the outdoors. Even though I was onery and it was a very cold trip it was still nice to be with my family.

One day we went fishing and while we were driving back to camp I told Zac he might as well stop at the next lake and fish for a little bit because the boys were asleep. So we went up to the next lake and I sat in the truck with the boys and Zac hiked down the trail to the lake. Not more than ten minutes later Zac came back to the truck. He told me that he threw in his second cast and he heard a noise behind him, he was wondering if it was Boba. He turned around to see what it was and about 20 yards away from him was a baby bear. He quickly reeled in his line and waited for the bear to cross the trail and headed back to the truck. When he told me what he saw I was so sad I didn't get to see it. We were driving away and trying to see if we could see it and then all the sudden it came running down the road right in front of us and then went down the hill on the side of the road. It was so cool to see. I am so grateful the mommy bear wasn't around to attack Zac though. He is lucky nothing happened to him. Zac has been waiting his whole life to see a bear up there, but he never imagined he would see it that close. Pretty cool but scary experience.

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