Tuesday, January 15, 2013

We will miss you grandma. . .

This beautiful lady returned home to our Father in Heaven on Thursday Jan. 10, 2013.  I am so grateful for the chance we had to go see her on Wednesday, the day before she passed away.  It was so crazy, when I was watching Kyson say goodbye I just knew in my heart it was the last time we would see her and I am pretty sure he knew as well.  The way he layed on her for a few minutes while she cried and held him and he had tears in his eyes and then the multiple trips to the door and back to her to tell her that he loved her while he put his head on her weak shoulder was just so touching!! It was like he did not want to say goodbye.   
Saying goodbye to my grandma was one of the many times Kyson has melted my heart this past week. 
On Thursday night I had to go to work for a few hours and before I left for work my parents called and told me that grandma was not doing very good, she was not really responding to anything.  Before I left for work I knelt down by Kyson and told him that grandma might go back with Jesus tonight.  He just got serious and looked down at the ground and said, "why mom" and I told him she was hurting really bad and was pretty sick.  I then reminded him that it's okay if she passes away tonight because she would be back in Heaven with my grandpa and Paul and be out of pain.  Kyson so sweetly looked at me and said, "when she is done with Jesus and Paul will she come back to play with us"  My heart just hurt for him because I know how much she means to him. 
When my mom called me at work to tell me that she was gone my heart just broke.  I did not want to tell Kyson.  Zac called me right after my mom and I told him the news and he told the boys.  I talked with Kyson on the phone and this was our conversation,
Kyson: "mom, grandma is up with Jesus and now I am sad"
Me: (my heart hurt so bad for him and I started to cry) "I know Kyson, I am sorry I am sad too"
Kyson: "why are you crying??"
Me: "because I am sad and miss grandma too"
Kyson: "mom, I don't want those babies at your work to think you are being a baby.  Wipe those tears off your face and be happy.  You hear me mom, be happy"
Me: (I couldn't help but laugh) "okay Kyson, I will be happy"
Kyson: "okay mom, we don't want people to think we are babies"
Oh I love this kid so much!!  He just knows exactly what to say and when to say it to melt my heart!!
The next morning Kyson woke me up and the first thing he said was, "mom, grandma is up with Jesus now" I said, "yeah but you know what, if you ever miss grandma you can say a prayer and remember she is always right here in your heart" and i pointed to his heart.  His response was, "she's in my heart?? well what if she got into my throat and I swallowed her, then she would be in my tummy"  Once again, I just giggled.
Every since she has passed away the only thing Kyson says in his nightly prayers is bless grandma.  One night all he said was "Heavenly Father, please bless grandma and help her come back to life in the name of Jesus Christ Amen"  I just started to cry.  I had to then explain to him that she is never coming back but one day we will get to see her again. 
Today we went over to my mom's house and my mom has a table of pictures of our grandparents.  Kyson just stood in front of my grandmas picture and looked at if for a few minutes. I wish I could have read what was going through his mind, but I know that he holds a very special place in his heart for her. 
I am so grateful for the knowledge I have in this gospel and I know without a doubt that I will see her again one day.  I am so happy she is pain free now and happy.  I already miss her so much though.  I am so grateful for the joy and happiness Kyson has brought to me during this hard time.  I love my boys so much and the strength they give me!!  I am not sure why Kyson had such a special connection with my grandma but I love to think that she will be his angel the rest of his life.  We love you so much grandma and you will be missed tons!! 


  1. That post completely choked me up. I am terribly sorry for your loss, but I too am comforted for you in the knowledge of the gospel. This is only a temporarty separation. Your little boy sounds beyond sweet.

  2. Awe how sweet your little guy is, love your pictures and do you realize all your little boys have your eyes? They are all sooo cute and I`m sooo sorry about your grandmother Dan`s mom passed April 20th 2012 and both Cole and Sasha talked at her funeral as did their cousins, its hard but they are with loved ones and are healthy again :) you need to text me your phone number so I can exchange pictures with you since you do not have FB 801-791-8853 LOVE YOU GF
