Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What about the migraine??

So I have not been feeling so good this past week with just a head cold and the usual sickness. On Sunday I got a horrible migraine (which has been happening more and more lately) everything I could take (which is very limited due to pregnancy) was not helping. I was in so much pain all Sunday night and into Monday morning. Thanks to the help of my sister for taking me to the doctor and my brother for watching the kids all day long I went up to the instacare to get help with my migraine. The doctor listened to my concerns and put me up on the table, he listened to my lungs and was very concerned about how my lungs sounded. He told me that we really needed to do a chest x-ray so we double shielded the baby bump and took an x-ray. The doctor came back in and said that my x-ray looked very abnormal and I had a lot of fluid in my right lung. He said it could either be pneumonia or he was worried because of one spot on the x-ray it looked like it could be a blood clot in my lung. He told me he didn't have the capability to test for that at the clinic and I need to go to McKay's ER to rule out a PE.

We headed up to the ER and when I got there the doctor listened to me and said "yep, classic pneumonia" He started some IV antibiotics and drew some blood. Then he came back in and said he was just going to send me home. I told him the whole reason why I came to the ER was to rule out a PE and he just said, nope, I doubt you have that you just have pneumonia. (Well, thanks I could have just been treated at the clinic for pneumonia and not had another outrageous bill)

So we were sent home, being treated for pneumonia,no rule out of a PE and through it all not one person addressed my migraines...AWESOME!! I have a follow up appointment with Dr. Weeks the end of this week so maybe he can help me out with some answers, who knows.

I just want to feel human again, it's been so hard being sick and trying to rest when you are a mother, wife, going to school and trying to work full-time. Let's hope next week will be a better week...the most important thing through all this is the baby is still doing okay thank goodness!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my heck you poor girl! that is no fun! listen here i am home all day EVERY day if you ever need anything; a nap, a moment alone, a babysitter, a meal, i seriously would LOVE to help ya out if i can ok??? please! in the meantime, we could just get together for fun too :) love you soo much and your cute little family!!
