Saturday, September 25, 2010

Speeding Ticket

The other day I picked Tegan up from school and we were hurrying to go meet Zac and take him lunch for his break. On my way I got pulled over coming down 2700. Because of the big tires on the truck the speedometer is off a bit. The police officer told me I was going 68 in a 55, but my speedometer said I was only going 60. When the cop took my stuff back to his car to do what they need to do Tegan turned around and was looking at the flashing lights. He said, "mom, why does that cop have his lights on" I just explained to him that mommy was going to fast and got pulled over. The cop came back and handed me that lovely piece of paper called a TICKET, he was very nice and only wrote it for 5 over though. So after he was done telling me his spill and I was rolling up the window this is how our conversation went,
Tegan: "Mommy what's that paper the cop gave you"
Me: "The cop gave mommy a ticket, it's that so nice of him"
Tegan: "Well mom, are you done being naughty now??"
I couldn't help but turn my attitude from frustrated to completely carefree and laughing. I love how kids can take any situation and make it so much better. Now whenever Tegan is playing with his cars they get "pulled over" for "speeding" : ) Ha ha
P.S. Because of the connections of my mother-in-law and my AMAZING husband I got out of the ticket : ) THANKS BABE!! Now if I could just get Tegan to forget about it : )

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? You got out of it? Now tell me that wasn't heaven-sent? ha! Tegan is way too smart for his own britches. He's not going to let you live that one down. Love it. *
