Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sick "Ky Ky"

Our adventure all started on Sunday afternoon when Kyson woke up with a temp of 104.8, we gave him tylenol and motrin and his fever finally broke. Yesterday he woke up looking much better and was happy and I thought it was no big deal. After taking a nap for 4 1/2 hours (which was a very needed sleep considering this weekend we took away his binki and he cried for an hour Saturday before going down for a nap and he cried for 45 minutes before going to sleep for the night) Tegan finally went in and woke him up because he couldn't wait any longer to play with his "ky ky" When Kyson woke up he had another fever and looked miserable. So again the tylenol and motrin broke the fever and we thought maybe he was teething (it's so hard to know with kids what's going on). This morning he woke up wheezing and coughing and TON so I took him to the doctor. It was so cute, on the way up to the doctor Kyson just kept coughing and Tegan looked over at him and said "Ky Ky we will take you to the doctor right now and make you better okay buddy" It was SO SWEET!! They did some tests and the tests came back as RSV, which I think is overrated because it's just a fancy name for a COLD, it's scary if little babies get it, but with toddlers it's just something they have to get over. At least it might be kind of cool for him to read later on in his baby book : ) So my trip to the doctor was kind of a waste, but at least I know his oxygen is high enough and he is going to live. I feel bad for the little guy though, he just looks miserable, but even as miserable as he looks, and probably feels, he still has his FREAKIN cute smile on his face. Hope you get better soon buddy. We love you!! Look how FREAKIN CUTE this little guy is!!


  1. Poor little guy!!! Sorry he is sick! He sure is cute though!

  2. Crazy fever! That's no bueno. It took about a week or so for my nephews (Taysen and Stockton) to get over it. Hopefully Ky's getting over it. Man alive, I love your kids. We need to get together soon... A little bit of Red Lobster and maybe some Wii... what do you think? :) *
