Monday, February 8, 2010

I love to see the temple....

Saturday was an amazing day. We had the opportunity to go with Dani (Zac's sister) and Scott as they made their family eternal. The spirit was SO STRONG. On the way up to the Logan temple I turned on some church music and I just kept crying because I felt the spirit so strong and Zac said to me "If you don't stop crying I am going to have to turn off this music" : ) I just laughed. I LOVE feeling the spirit that much, I wish I could feel it that strong EVERYDAY!! It was so awesome to be a part of Scott's endowment session and be with him as he recieved all the blessings of the endowment session. After the session we went into the sealing room, when they brought those three beautiful girls in I couldn't help but cry. Then they knelt around the alter as a family and they all looked like angels up there and the spirit was amazing!! I am so happy for them. This is something they have waited a long time for and I know their family will be blessed so much for making these steps to make their family eternal. Congrats you guys. We love you so much and are SO HAPPY for you guys!! Thanks for an AMAZING day full of the spirit!!Beautiful family
After we went to Maddox to eat. Tegan loves playing with Oliva and Samantha and they are so cute with him.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool experience to get to be a part of. I'm happy for them. Love the pic of your cute fam. *
