Friday, June 25, 2021

Idaho 2021

Our trip got off to a rough start!!  The night before we were going to leave, Zac and I were finishing packing up everything.  The last camping trip we took our fridge moved around on the drive and our food was not very cold when we got to Caineville.  It was about 1 a.m. and Zac said, I am going to secure the fridge and then I am going to bed.  He screwed a hole in our fridge to anchor the bracket to and all the sudden a loud hissing sound started coming out from the hole.  Immediately our fridge went warm and it stopped working.  We kept trying to figure out how to fix it for about an hour, then we decided to go to bed and figure everything out in the morning.  

First thing in the morning we called the place where we had bought our trailer and asked if there was ANYWAY we could buy a fridge from them from one of their trailers and then have them purchase a new fridge for their trailer.  After about 5 hours they got back to us and said, yes we will do that. Zac had to drive to south Salt Lake, but we didn't care, we were happy to have a fridge that worked.  He got home with the new fridge, he installed it and we loaded all our food.  It was about 6 in the evening by the time we pulled out, but at least we were able to go on our trip.  We drove for a few hours, pulled over and slept and drove the last couple of hours the next day.
When we pulled up to fill our water the end of the rainbow was right where we camp.  I told the boys, look we are going where the pot of gold is. . . and that's exactly how I would describe it up there. . . a pot of gold because it's AMAZING!!
Nana and Papa gave Teg his birthday present a little early so he could enjoy his gift while we were up there.
We did lots of fishing.  One night when we were leaving the dredge ponds we saw a HUGE bald eagle.  It was so fun to sit and watch!!
I wish I could just relax in the mountains everyday all day with my best friend.  It's HEAVEN!!
Since we don't ride the bikes on Sunday, Zac and Kyson decided to tinker with his bike.
The boys were having a contest to see who could keep their feet in the longest. .  they didn't last very long, but Blue didn't seem to mind ha ha
Our whole family hiked Champion this year.  It was so fun to go as a family.  I ALMOST died, but I made it.  I was so grateful for Zac and his patience with me.  He was a good sport to be my support and cheerleader the whole way.  I seriously am so lucky to have him in my life.  I love every minute I get to be with him!!
Blue was patiently waiting for the head and bones of the fish.  He LOVES to eat them when Zac gets the filet off.  It's so gross but funny to watch him eat them.
Nana was so cute and got this fun piñata for Tegan to celebrate his birthday with his family before we left (on his actual birthday)
Something ALL the kids look forward to. . . the treasure hunt.
The trip home is always entertaining and a little crazy. . . 

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