Friday, June 25, 2021

Beckems Angels

Treven brought a HUGE wood jump over to our house for the boys to play on.  The boys were riding their bikes off the jump and Zac told them, you need to go put your helmets on if you are going to jump off the jump.  The boys were great and put their helmets on, Beckem went and got his motorcycle helmet to put on. We were laughing but didn't think anything about it.  The next night we were hanging out on the driveway and Beckem crashed SO HARD off the jump.  He jumped up after and ran to Zac.  He had some big scraps on his arms so I took him in to get in the bath.  While he was in the bath he looked up at me and asked "Why am I in the bath" I told him he crashed and he needed to wash the dirt out of his scraps.  He then looked at me with such a blank look and asked "what crash" and he kept repeating himself.  It scared me so bad. I got him out of the tub and then we was acting more normal. We went out to talk to Zac and Zac showed me his helmet.  He completely cracked the bottom part.  I am SO GRATEFUL he grabbed that helmet to wear otherwise he probably would have broken his jaw.  We are so grateful for the angels watching over him!!
Beckems bike crash 

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