Saturday, September 19, 2020

Bodens Baptism

Having a baptism during COVID-19 was definitely different, but different in a really good way.  We could only have 20 people total and since we didn't know how to invite some family and friends and not others we made the decision to only have grandparents in person at the baptism.  I set up a zoom meeting and everyone could watch it virtually.  It was SO AWESOME to have Scott and Sandra be able to watch even though they are in a totally different state.  The spirit was so strong.  It was such an amazing day!!  

When Boden woke up he was SO EXCITED to get baptized.  The spirit was so strong in our home before the baptism.  It was so cold and rainy outside before we went to the church.  Krystal texted me the weather forecast hour by hour and said, "the weather is even symbolic of baptism today" when I looked at the hour by hour it showed, rainy and cold and then over time throughout the day the sun would come out and be warm.  I told Boden this was just like life, sometimes we have dark days, but as long as we remember Him, the "son" will come out and we will be comforted.  I LOVE this gospel so much and the comfort God gives us.  

Later that night I told Boden he needed to get in the bath and he told me "I am still clean from my baptism I don't need to bath" I said you are spiritually clean but not physically so go get bathed and he again told me he was still clean.  It was a struggle, but he finally got in the bath.  I can't believe he is growing up so fast.  I am so proud of him and the spirit he brings to our family.  We are so blessed.

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