Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Christmas Miracle

Ever since Zac hurt his knee we have really been blessed in so many ways.  With Zac being unable to work for a total of a few months and the holidays just around the corner there have been many nights of tears shed from the stress of money, fatigue and stress.  Zac is amazing and always finds the good in situations.  When I have my breakdowns he takes me in his arms and reminds me to have faith.  He always reminds me that Heavenly Father hasn't let us down before and He isn't about to start.  We have had many small miracles come into our lives and everything so far has fallen into place.  My how my faith has been tried and strengthen so much this past month. 

Something happened last night though that was beyond anything I could ever ask for. . . I was scheduled to work at 9 PM.  I came into work only to find out that there was a miscommunication and they didn't really need me at work.  I was so grateful to go home to be with my family (I have been working crazy hours to try to make ends meet, so any little bit of time I can be home I am so grateful for!!) I was about to walk out the door to head home when Zac called me.  He was very overwhelmed and had a hard time finding his words on the phone.  I told him I was being sent home and I would see him shortly.  When I got home he explained the situation to me and we both just started to cry tears of gratitude. 

While I was on my way to work, Zac was out in the garage and heard someone knock on our front door.  He went inside to answer the door.  When he opened the door he found that someone had left a popcorn bucket with a card.  By the time Zac opened the door they were nowhere to be found.  Zac thought to himself, that was nice of someone to bring us a gift.  He brought the gift inside and proceeded to open the envelope.  As he opened the card he was shocked at what he found.  In the card they wrote, "please accept this gift from our families to yours with love" and lying in the card was a large amount of money.  We feel so inadequate and grateful that someone would do this for us. 

Words can never describe the feelings that are in our hearts and the gratitude we feel!!  I wish so badly we could thank these people that were so generous!!  I hope somehow I can thank them or let them know seriously HOW GRATEFUL we are for their generosity!!  It was such an amazing feeling in our home last night. 

As I was tucking the boys into bed they asked why we were crying.  I told them that someone was so amazing and brought us some money to help us and Kyson said, "mom, I bet it was Heavenly Father who brought it to us" and he was exactly right.  Heavenly Father sent angels to us last night and we will forever be grateful.  I hope I can one day be an angel for Heavenly Father as these people were tonight. Whom ever you are out there THANK YOU!!  I feel as though thank you is not enough and never will be enough to repay these people for what they have done for our family!!  GOD BLESS and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 


  1. Chelese I had no idea Zac was hurt... I am so sorry for your hardship. What a wonderful Christmas Miracle you guys received. I love this season because it really does help us remember to love thy neighbors and the Lord Jesus Christ. I love you guys and so happy that someone was able to bring some Christmas Cheer in your life... miss you

  2. That is so amazing. I love stories such as this. I was trying to think of small ways to give this season. Although money for us is also tight I can give in small ways or do acts of service for those whom are in need. :)
