Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Four BOYS!!

Soon this will be similar to our family photo. : ) Okay, maybe a little more updated, but we just found out our little peanut is another BOY to add to the family. We are SO EXCITED!! I think our house will be so busy with wrestling boys constantly, but it will be so much fun!!
As I was leaving the hospital yesterday I started crying. I felt so overwhelmed and grateful. I feel so inadequate to raise FOUR of Gods missionaries, but I just hope that we can teach them what is right and help them turn into righteous respectable young men.
Being a mother is so much work, but it is so rewarding at the same time. Yesterday I was frustrated with the boys constant whining and crying and I was just trying to ignore them instead of yell at them out of frustration. I was getting dinner ready and they were both screaming and crying (both I mean Tegan and Kyson) I was trying to tune it all out when all the sudden I heard through the crys Tegan say, "Mom I am hurting and I just want you to love me please" My heart broke and I stopped what I was doing and knelt down and loved him. Oh how much my boys teach me everyday. I hope they never grow too old to have their mom love them. I take everyday for granted that is for sure, but I am so grateful for three beautiful boys and one more on the way. I can't wait to watch our family grow just a little bit more this coming September!!


  1. Congrats, Chelese!!! Your boys are so handsome and I am excited to see another handsome boy!!

  2. We didn't even know you were pregnant!!! Unless Zac told Dan and he forgot :) Anyway... Congrats,we are so excited for you guys. Your family is so cute.

  3. I was so confused at first and then the bell rang, you are pregnant! That is so so exciting. I am so happy for you. That will be so fun to have a house full of boys. You are such an amazing mom and you have a beautiful testimony, thank you for sharing it. Congratulations on your growing family.

  4. What?? You didn't even tell me you were having another baby? I am so happy for you. I bet having a house full of boys will be so much fun! When are you due? I hope you feel better this time around. Keep me updated. Love and miss ya!
