Friday, February 11, 2011

Circus Night

We took the boys to the circus at Weber County Fairgrounds. It was a little ghetto but for the price you couldn't beat it. We got to sit on the second row and the boys LOVED it. Zac and I kept laughing because the same two guys did pretty much every act, but it was still fun to go see. The last act they brought out the motorcycles to ride in the cage ball and when they had four going at one time I couldn't help but tape it (I honestly didn't know you aren't supposed to video tape it opps) The motorcycles ended up crashing and after the show was over they announced overhead that if you had a video of the crash please bring it to the floor and we wouldn't get in trouble. So I took it down there and they were super nice. While we were waiting for them to download the movie they let the boys play on the blow up playground and go for a pony ride (which you had to pay extra for, but we got it for free). The boys were in heaven. The whole time Ky was on the pony he kept saying "yee ha" It was well worth video tapping it and breaking the rules, even though I had no clue I was breaking the rules ha ha. It was a way fun family night!!

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