Saturday, March 4, 2017

The super heros in my life. . .

This world is so focused on super heros and the great power that they have.  Every young boy dreams of being a super hero.  My boys dress up daily and play with their magical powers.  One day as I watched Boden and Beckem playing super heros I sat and reflected on my life.  Though superman, spiderman, batman, ironman, captain america, etc may not be real, I feel like I have multiple super heros in my life.  Here are just a couple but I truly have so many people I look up to. . . 

My mom: She is one of the greatest super heros I know.  Her super power is SERVICE.  She gives her whole life, day in and day out to serve others.  She is always willing to help out whenever I need anything.  She is a listening ear whenever I need it.  She is such a great example of a servant of Christ.  I am so grateful I have had such an amazing woman to look up to and to learn from. I hope to be more like her every day.  

Zac: His super power is FIXING THINGS and PATIENCE.  He can seriously fix anything and if he doesn't know how to fix something he will figure it out.  He is very talented in this way.  To him it's "common sense" but to the rest of us it's a super power!!  His other super power is patience.  He is so patient with me and is willing to help me if I will just humble myself enough to ask.  He is always willing to listen to my frustrations.  When I am moody (which happens A LOT)  he just lets me vent and he just sits back with patience, hoping that it will end soon.  Ha ha!!

My Boys: Their super power, like most children is SIMPLICITY.  They are so simple and they help me remember to just enjoy the simple things in life.  They can find joy in anything and they let their imagination run wild.  They know just how to make me smile especially when I really need it. 

My sister: Her super power is DETERMINATION.  She is determined to never give up.  She is a fighter.  She is strong!! She doesn't let anything get in her way.  She has an amazing testimony and she is a great teacher.   

My Grandma Thomas: Although she has passed on, I still feel her around me a lot of the times.  Her super power was NON-JUDGING.  No matter what you were going through or what you did, Grandma was there to love you.  She never judged anyone.  Though there were many of my cousins making really bad choices in their lives, she never once said anything bad about them.  When I had mess up while I was dating Zac, I went to her because I knew she would not judge me.  I went out to talk to her and I was right, I didn't feel judged a bit.  She talked to me and helped me feel the love that I was looking for.  When she was in her final days of this Earth life she was counseling everyone to make it to the temple.  She talked to each of us in a non-judgmental way  to help us realize the importance of this life and temple work.  She was amazing!! 

Jen Thorpe: She is no longer on this Earth either but her spirit is felt often.  Her super power was JOY.  Every time I was around her I felt pure joy.  She was always so happy and helped you look for the good things in this life.  She was never negative about how bad she was feeling as she fought a long hard battle of colon cancer.  Whenever I would talk to her it was always so positive and it was always about me.  She rarely talked about herself.  She was always this way.  From when I was a little girl I remember our conversations were rarely about her and I think this was a HUGE talent that she had!!  

My biggest super heroes of all are Heavenly Father and Christ.  Their super power is LOVE.  No matter what I am going through I know that my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are there to help me along the way.  They cheer for us when we succeed and they weep for us when we hurt.  I am so grateful for the testimony that I have of my Savior and Father in Heaven.  I am so grateful for everything Christ went through so I can be with my family for Eternity!!  

I am so blessed and am so grateful for the super heroes I have in my life!!    


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