Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kyson's First Day of Preschool

Kyson has been so excited to FINALLY get to go to preschool.  After watching Tegan go for the past two years he has been so ready to go. 
Last night he was so EXCITED to get his priesthood blessing for the first day.  He kept telling us all day long, "Daddy is going to give me a blessing on my head tonight" and the minute we got home last night he sat in the chair and folded his arms and said, "okay dad, I am ready for my blessing" It was so cute!!  I am so grateful for the priesthood that Zac holds and the ability he has to give that blessing to our children to help comfort them. 
Kyson woke up this morning at 7:00 and came into our room holding his backpack and said, "mom wake up I need to go to preschool"  He was SO EXCITED!!  When we took him up there he wanted to walk in all by himself, but Tegan really wanted to walk him in so we went in today, but then he said all the other days he wants to go by himself.  He is so big and loves it : ) 

Teacher Sue has her work cut out for her this year.  Kyson and Boston are both so busy and energetic.  Teacher Sue told me there are 13 boys and only 2 girls in their class.  She was so sweet she just said, "I think this might be a rowdy bunch this year, but we will have fun"  I love her so much!! If only the boys could have her up to 12th grade, she is so amazing!!  


  1. Congrats on another beautiful boy!! I'm so happy for you. Your kids are adorable. Hopefully, Bo can go home soon. P.S. I miss seeing you at work:(

  2. All your boys are so darling. I hope Bo can come home very soon.
