Thursday, May 30, 2024

Two Broken Legs

One day after work, Tegan decided to go ride at the track.  I have a rule that he can't go by himself.  He had some friends that wanted to come watch him.  I forgot he was going there and I just got done getting my hair colored.  While I was drying my hair I received a call from a number I didn't know.  I declined the call and it called back.  I again declined it but then thought, maybe I should have answered that.  Not too long after that I got a call from Tegan's phone.  I answered it to Tegan saying "mom I broke my legs, I need you to come to the track right now"  I told him I would be right there.  I flew out the door and got to the track.  Tegan was sitting on the edge of the track just breathing heavy and telling me "mom, I know they are broken, I know they are" I told him I believed him.  At this time there were about 5 guys around him.  We were trying to decide if we needed to call an ambulance or not.  We opted to load him in the back of my car and I would drive him.  

As soon as I got onto the highway I was sick that I made the wrong decision.  The pain in Tegan's voice was heartbreaking.  It was the LONGEST drive I have ever had to McKay Dee Hospital.  When we got there they rushed us right back and the social worker pulled me aside.  They were asking if I was okay and I told her I was fine.  By the time I got to Tegan they had ripped off his riding boots.  I don't think they believed him that they were broke.  Once the boots were off I told them to just cut off his pants, there was no way they were going to be able to get them off around his legs.   They did an x-ray pretty quickly and by that time Zac had gotten off work and had made it up to the hospital with us.  

As soon as the x-rays were done I looked at them and it was OBVIOUS, they were broke.  He broke both tibia and fibula.  The doctor talked to the orthopedic surgeon on call and because he is only 16, they decided to send him down to Primary Children's Hospital.  I was able to ride in the back of the ambulance with Tegan and Zac followed right behind us in the car.  

The ER at Primary's was PACKED and it was HORRIBLE trying to get Tegan comfortable, but we were finally transferred to the floor for the night.  The plan was to operate first thing in the morning.  That was the longest night of my life.  I wished so bad I could take his pain away.  There wasn't much I could do to help him be comfortable.  He was so brave though!!  

First thing the next morning we were taken back to surgery.  Dr. Spiers placed 7 pins in his legs and he will be in a wheelchair for the next 6 weeks.  Kind of a crappy start to the summer, but glad he didn't get hurt worse.  He is so brave and strong, there is no way I could have handled having broken legs like he did!!  He's so tough!!  


Saturday, May 25, 2024

May Memories 2024

Ruby’s Birthday 

This girl LOVED the gift I gave her.  I loved her poses after she opened it.  She makes me laugh so hard!!  

I got to go enjoy a day at the temple.  I am feeling kind of lost and empty so I am trying to really search for peace and the temple was the best place to go.  

Ruby and Shaylee went and had a tea party with Grandma for Ruby’s birthday.  

I got to go spoil Roz and get her nails done.  Look how cute they turned out!!  I love spending time with her and how close we are.  

After getting her nails done we went to watch Beckem play his lacrosse game.  Such a fun night!!  

I got to take Ella for a day and get her nails done and spend some time together.  She picked these colors and they turned out so cute together.  

At the end of the lacrosse season we had Beckem’s team over for a party.  It was such a fun and busy night.  These boys were making us laugh. . . They are such cute kids!!  


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

April Memories 2024

Zac took Kyson out fishing and this was his only catch of the day.  He was pretty dang happy. . . LOOK at that fish!!  

Kyson asked me and Zac to go with him to watch Oakley play one of her games.  She scored her first goal ever while we were there.  We were so happy we got to see it.  It was FREEZING but it was fun to watch her play.  Boys and girls lacrosse is SO DIFFERENT it’s crazy but fun to see.  So proud of her!!  

I was FaceTiming Krystal and look at this girl, she painted her own nails and did her own makeup.  She wanted to me to see her while I was on FaceTime.  I love that Ruby has such a fun personality!!  

I went down to Arizona to help Jackie out with some work stuff.  I got in to Arizona kinda of late but I was able to stop by Scott’s house and play with the girls for a couple of hours.  Sydney was being a cupcake head ha ha.  I got to eat sugar cane out of his yard while I was there.  I love visiting them so much even if it’s for a short time.  Hope I get to go back soon!!  

It was a Saturday evening and Zac was working, Kyson said, “hey mom, if I load your bike want to go riding with me” Seriously, what 15 year old wants to hang out with his mom on a weekend night but I was excited to go.  We had so much fun together.  We went and rode up in Honeyville.  Kyson is becoming a little Zac and I love it.  He is going to make a great husband one day.  I am glad I got to spend the evening with him.  

Tegan got asked to MORP by Emma. . .
They went to MORP as the couple off of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  They are so cute!!  

Kyson sent me this screen shot of Paityn’s sisters snap chat.  I was laughing so hard.  I love how sweet my boys are. . . Zac has taught them well by showing them how to treat women.  I am so grateful for that.  
We got to go to spend a night in Wendover with our favorite people. . . Bev and Marv.  We went to dinner and a concert.  It was such a fun night!!  I always laugh so hard when I am with them.  They bring me so much joy.  I am so grateful for their friendship!!