Sunday, March 31, 2024

Box Elder Lacrosse Team and March Memories 2024

Kyson is on the high school lacrosse team and games have started.  The first game was in the snow, it was SO COLD, but the boys didn’t mind, they still played their hearts out.  Lacrosse is so fun to watch.  I love that Kyson is part of the team and is enjoying playing this year.  

Zac had his yearly review and they had such amazing things to say about him.  He has only been there a year, but he is definitely showing his skills and trying to advance and grow where he can.  I am so proud of him!! 

Look at Krystals guns.  She doesn’t work out!!  I am SO IMPRESSED!!  

Oakley plays on the Bear River girls team, but she still made time to come support Kyson at one of his games.  She’s such a great friend!!

Happy Easter!!  

Justin is still deployed so this how they were able to get a family picture for Easter :) Nicole is amazing to be able to juggle everything at home during this deployment.  She’s a hero in my eyes!!  


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Jr Prom 2024

It was so windy at pictures but I still think Tegan and Emma look so dang cute!!  For the dance they went to aquarium and dinner the night before and then they went to pictures, promenade, dinner, prom (up in Logan) then that night they came back to our house to play games.  It was fun to hear them sitting around laughing and having fun.  I am so grateful for Emma and how she makes Tegan a better person.  We have seen a big improvement in his attitude since he has been dating her and he seems so happy!!  We are so grateful for that!!  


Friday, March 1, 2024

February 2024 Memories

The last day of our national sales meeting we had the honor or hearing from Mike Eruzione.  He told his story of how he got on the American hockey team and becoming team captain.  In 1980 at the Winter Olympics the United States hockey team defeated the Soviet Union and he scored the wining goal.  They made a movie after him and the team called “Miracle on Ice”.  He was so inspirational, but at the end of his talk he called some Pacira employees up on stage and presented them with their own signed jersey.  These employees went above and beyond this last year and showed great leadership.  Jackie was my trainer and has been one of my dear friends since I started at Pacira.  She was so shocked she was part of that group of people and was so humble about it.  It brought tears to my eyes because she really is such a great co-worker and person and she deserves to be recognized. I was SO EXCITED for her!!  Such a great honor!!  

I absolutely LOVE Jackie!! I am so blessed to work with her!!  
Papa got his yearly haircut. . . 

Happy Birthday to Zac!!  Tegan was working and Kyson was tied up with other things so it was just the four of us.  We went out to dinner to celebrate.  One thing Zac hates is attention, I asked the waitress if they gave dessert for birthdays and the next thing we knew a whole Marachi Band came out and was singing to Zac.  I thought he was going to kill me, but we got a good giggle out of it.   We are so blessed to have him in our lives.  He completes me in every way!!  He is not only by husband but he is my very best friend.  I love him so much!!  

Basketball season is in full swing.   We are lucky to have grandparents that come and support the boys.  It’s always fun to watch the boys have fun and grow their athletic abilities.  

Grandpa is ushering up at Weber State again this year, which means, he gets two free tickets to every game.  The boys LOVE to go watch the college teams play.  Grandpa got them down to meet the players this time.  Boden and Beckem were so excited.  

They got to pick a shoe from the players.  Look how BIG they are!!  Not sure what we are going to do with ONE shoe especially of that size, but whatever, it made the boys whole night and memories to last a life time.  

Happy Valentines Day to Paityn from Boden :) 

Boden completed another color belt test.  He is now a blue belt.  So proud of him!!  

Zac surprised me with these beautiful flowers one day.  I am so lucky!!  

I got member of the month at the gym.  I LOVE these people that I work out with each morning.  They make it so much fun to wake up at 4:30 am each day.