Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Priesthood Advancements and Boden’s First Temple Visit

With a new year comes priesthood advancements.  Kyson was ordained a priest and then Kyson was able to give Boden a blessing and ordain him to the Aaronic priesthood.  It was so amazing to watch Kyson ordain Boden.  I am so blessed to have the boys that I do.  I love them all so much!!   

Boden was SO EXCITED to finally get to go do baptisms.  It was a very special day when we got to go with him for the first time.  I love the peace I feel in the temple and the LOVE God has for all of us!!  


Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year-Bring on 2024!!

We had another fun party at our house on New Years Eve.  Brandje won Left, Right Center and took home a good chunk of change.  We played minute to win it games and had lots of yummy food.  It’s always a good time filled with laughs and smiles!!  I LOVE every minute of it!!