Monday, September 2, 2024

Target Shooting

 Zac and I went shooting for our date this past week.  I LOVE spending time with this man!!  I am so lucky to have him by my side. I  couldn't ask for a better best friend.  

August Memories 2024

Beckem, Harper and Keagan were in a 3 on 3 tournament up in Logan "Do it for Dawson"

The "Trashy Masons" garbage can business is now mobile :) Tegan and Kyson have done this every year for the past few years.  It's good money and the neighborhood loves it.  

Jenna's dad had a stroke after running one of his races up in Wyoming.  It was a very scary week for them.  We were able to play with Knox while they got to go up to the hospital to spend time with him.  We are praying for Brian (Jenna's dad), he means so much to us!!  

Hiking up Adams canyon with this handsome man!!  

Kyson was changing his dirt bike tire and the tool he was using flipped up and hit him  He was SO LUCKY it didn't get any closer to his eye!!  


Saturday, August 31, 2024

Happy First Day of School 2024-2025

How is Tegan a SENIOR!!  

Boden got to enjoy his Birthday on the first day of school :) 


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rock the Block 2024

We hosted "Rock the Block" in our backyard this year.  It was a BLAST!!