Monday, November 27, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Krystal and I enjoyed a nice run the morning of Thanksgiving 

In the afternoon we went and spent the day with the McMillan’s at Krystals house.   

Nicole came over with the kids for pie later that night.  Justin is deployed right now so we had Jake hold up a picture of his dad.  


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Broken Cheek Bone From Leaf Spring

Tegan was working on his truck while Zac was at work and I was in Basalt, CO for work.  I got a call from him saying that the leaf spring hit him in the face.  Him and his friend were changing out the leaf springs in his truck and one popped out and hit him in the head.  He was telling me that it hurt and I told him to take some ibuprofen and put some ice on it.  I was worried because I didn’t know how bad it was since I wasn’t there.  Luckily Zac was about done with work, so I called him and told him to hurry home and check on him.  In the meantime I had his brothers make sure he didn’t fall asleep until Zac got there and checked him out.   When Zac got home he decided to take him to the doctor because it was getting pretty swollen and those leaf springs have a lot of tension/force in them. They found out that he had three different breaks in his cheek.  Zac had to call in sick the next day and take him to a facial surgeon because they weren’t sure if he needed to have a plate put in his cheek or not.  Luckily the surgeon felt like it would heal without surgery, but man this boy is tough!!  I can’t imagine how bad this must have hurt, but he was so tough and never complained!!  His pain tolerance is INCREDIBLE!!  I feel so bad for him!!!  


Friday, November 17, 2023

Kyson’s 15th Birthday

Kyson has been waiting for this day for SO LONG!!  He has wanted to drive the car since he was about 3 years old.  For his birthday we went to the driver’s license division as soon as they opened.   He is now a legal driver with his permit.  He is so funny, I asked him what kind of cake he wanted and of course he picked the cake he has had about 7 other times. . . A tractor cake.  I can’t wait for him to drive tractors one day, he has had a love for them his WHOLE life!!  I love this kid so much.  He has a huge heart, funny personality and is a people person.  He brings so much joy to our lives.   Happy Birthday buddy!!  


Friday, November 10, 2023

Random November Stuff

I love that even when I am away on work trips I can still see my sexy husband.  So grateful for technology as well as the job that I have.  

At the gym, I found this. . . There was an angel looking out for me.  

Gosh I love this man. I keep thinking I can’t love him any more, then I do.   I love the years we have spent together and the memories we have made along the way.  I am so blessed!!  

This kid stole my phone and I found these fun pictures on there.   He is such a dork, but I sure do love him!!  

Ruby and Shaylee are SO FUN to watch play together.  They are such good friends.  I love it!!  

Making memories with the McMillans 



Saturday, November 4, 2023

Tae Kwan Do Color Belt Test

Boden is now a Green Belt!!  So proud of him and the work he puts into his martial arts each week.  


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Halloween Time

We went to listen to the McMillans during their primary program and this cute girl found some glasses to model for us.  We were laughing so hard!!  

Headed out to Grandma and Grandpa Rogers Halloween Party 

Halloween Night. . . 

The boys carved pumpkins the night before Halloween 

Headed out to Trick or Treat.  I don’t know why but every year that the boys take off with their friends, I find myself at home crying.  I am happy they are growing up and having fun with friends, but it’s sad to realize that different chapters of your life are over.  This is something I don’t think I will ever get used to.  

Kyson cleaned up the neighbor hood with his pillow case.  This was all HIS candy that he got. . . Not sure what we are going to do with it all, but he had a good time getting it.  

Baby Knox’s First Halloween 

I love doing adventures with my sister.  We took an old fridge to the scrap yard and they made us wear these goofy hard hats.   We got a good laugh out of it!!