Saturday, October 28, 2023

Sadies Dance 2023

Tegan and Kaya 


Caineville and Baby Knox

We did our usual trip to Caineville during the fall and we were SO EXCITED that the Gibsons could come with us.  Between feedings Knox was able to hang out with us and we played lots of games, laughed and just relaxed.   It was a great trip!!  


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Road Trip to Huntington Beach, CA

I was asked to cover a conference during the boys fall break.  We decided to make it a family trip.  We stopped at Vegas on our way to Cali and saw Mat Franco’s show.  It was AWESOME.  The boys HATED Vegas though and did NOT want to walk around more than we had to.  I was trying to get them to go see different places and they just kept saying, “Get me out of here, I hate the feeling here and I hate all the crap around us”. So we just went back to the hotel and hung out after the show.   The next day we drove to Huntington Beach.  While I was at the conference, Zac took the boys to the beach to swim.  At night when I was done working we would go back to the beach and hang out.  It’s as a fun trip, the boys did AMAZING through the long car rides too.  I love getting spend time with my family and doing my work duties at the same time.  I am SO LUCKY!!  


Friday, October 20, 2023

Random October Memories

I LOVE Scott’s girls so much.  I wish they lived closer, but I LOVE the pictures they send me.  Stella brought one of her chickens in the house the other day. She was begging to keep it inside, but eventually lost the fight and had to put it out with the other chickens.  

We went up to support Oakley at her Volleyball game.  We love this girl SO MUCH!!  

Finally getting to meet baby Knox, look how sweet he is!!  


Saturday, October 7, 2023

McMillan’s, Sparing and Rocky

Look how beautiful my sister’s family is!!  I love them all so much!!  

Boden started doing sparing and LOVES it!!  He decided to try his sparing gear on Rocky.  Rocky is always such a great sport and goes along with whatever the boys put him through.  He is such a good dog.  

We got to watch the Beus kids while Benson and Kaylee went out on a date.  They are so fun to play with!!