The boys had fun going to Crossroads (the indoor skate park) a few times this summer. Trevon Nelson is also in this picture with the boys.
We went boating a few times with the Caldwells out at Willard Bay
Swimming at the Mansfield's pool
Grandma and Grandpa took all the grand kids to the zoo one day. They are such good sports. When I heard they were taking 11 kids under 11 to the zoo I wanted to throw up. ha ha Not grandma and grandpa though, they are AMAZING!! The boys had A LOT of fun with all their cousins at the zoo. We are lucky to have such great family so close to us.
Mike Medsker's annual pool party.
Beckem's number won in the ducky derby :) He was SO EXCITED he got a piggy bank and a sand bucket with toys. (look how smokey it is, there are so many fires burning that we are unable to see the mountains right by us)