Yesterday was Tegan's first day of Sunbeams. It was pretty rough for him. He cried seriously almost the whole time until they colored in class and then he thought it was pretty cool. Let's hope next week will be a little better. On the way home he was so mad, he was telling us this big story that the kids in the nursery were being mean to Ky and he wasn't there to tell them to be nice to his brother (not sure how he knew that since he wasn't in there, but whatever). : ) It's so cute how he loves to watch out for Ky, but we had to explain to him that Ky needs to take care of himself sometimes and it's okay that he is in the nursery by himself. I think he looks so cute in this suit. I couldn't resist getting it for him, he looks so grown up in it.
3d Ocean Coloring Pages
1 day ago