Sunday, October 19, 2014

Visiting Great Grandpa Thomas

On Conference Sunday my Grandpa called me and said, "I am in the ER and I have bleeding on my brain" I told him I would be right up to be with him. My parents are on a Salt Lake mission and have to usher at all the conference sessions.  I tried calling them, but because it was just about time for conference to start we couldn't get a hold of them.  I got to the hospital and talked to the Dr. and he said they were admitting him and he had a significant bleed on his brain. 
My Grandpa had went out to get the paper that morning and after he bent over to get the paper he turned around and fell face first into the wall.  He broke his nose and had a small laceration on his head.  He drove himself down to the clinic in Roy but they were closed so he drove himself up to the ER.  He is so dang independent, I am just glad he didn't pass out or something while he was driving.
We got moved up to his room and in the mean time Justin was actually able to text my dad and let them know what was going on.  They immediately left conference and headed to McKay.  The next day we just waited to see what was going to happen.  The CT the did the next day showed his brain shifting to the right because of the pressure of the bleed so the Dr. decided to go in for surgery the next day.  My boys drew him pictures that night and my mom took them to him before surgery.  He smiled and told my mom, "I was thinking about it last night and I don't think it's time for me to go yet, I need to stay around and see these boys grow up some more"  : ) He loves the boys and they love him so much!!  For surgery they drilled holes in his head to relieve the pressure.  He was in ICU for two days and then on SIMC for two more days.  He was supposed to go to a Rehab center, but because of the circumstances of the places that were available my parents decided to take him home and have therapy come to his house while they took care of him24 hours a day.
The boys were dying to go see him, so we decided to go visit when he got home.  Boden kept saying, "Grandpa head ow wee"   
We love Grandpa so much and glad he is doing okay.  It will take some time for him to regain his strength, but he is a strong willed man.  We love the time we get to spend with him!!

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