Sunday, June 9, 2013

The best 29th Birthday EVER!!

Last week was my birthday and it was probably the best birthday I have ever had.  When I came home from work (at about 3:00 am) there were flowers, a card from Zac, cards made from the boys and a gift card to get a couples massage.  I thought that was plenty and was so happy, but little did I know that Zac had more up his sleeve.  When the boys woke up for the day we went and played at the park, then went to lunch with my mom, dad, and my grandpa at Chic-fil-a.  I love my grandpa so much, we were able to just sit and talk while the boys played and then he bought all the boys ice cream.  He is so sweet!!

After lunch we headed home to get ready for Zac to come home from work.  When he got home we had to go sign a contract for the house that we are trying to buy and then we went to Tegan's T-ball game.  After the game my mom and dad took the boys back to our house and we headed up to our condo at Wolf Creek. 

Zac had arranged a night away for us.  When I say arranged I mean he did everything, lined up my  parents to watch the kids, did the grocery shopping and booked the room ( I was so impressed).  It was SO NEEDED since we have only gone over night without the kids ONCE since we had Tegan, SIX years ago.  I was so nervous for my mom and dad, but they just went and slept at our house so the boys could sleep in their own beds.  I am SO GRATEFUL for them and all they do for us!!
When we got up to the condo, Zac had packed everything to make me dinner.  He made lemon chicken, beans and baked potatoes.  It was DELICIOUS!!  Then after dinner we roasted marshmellows over a candle and had smores (thanks to Sandlot for giving Zac the idea LOL).  It was so much fun. We went and rented The Backup Plan from the condo's front desk and just enjoyed a night of quietness.  It was so nice!!  I love my boys so much, but I forgot how fun it is to be with just Zac without kids screaming all around us.  He truely is my very best friend!!

This last picture was the other day.  It was really quiet in my house and I went down to see what the boys were doing and this is how I found them.  They let Beckem hold the remote so he thinks he is playing with them.  Ha ha I love it!!  They are so dang cute!! 

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