Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Scary Dreams

So Tegan has been coming into our room a lot lately saying he has had a scary dream and wants to sleep in our bed.  One night while I was at work Zac told Tegan to say a prayer before he went to bed so he doesn't have a scary dream.  He was so happy in the morning when he realized he woke up in his own bed and didn't have a scary dream.  The next night I was at work again and Zac and the boys said family prayer and the boys went down to bed.  Zac told me that Tegan came back up into our room and said, "dad, will you help me say a prayer to not have a scary dream??"  So, Zac helped him say a prayer and off to bed he went.  Again he was so excited in the morning that he hadn't had a scary dream.  The next night I was home and he said his prayers and he remembered to ask once again to not have a scary dream.  In the middle of the night he came up crying and said, "mom, can I sleep in your bed, my prayer didn't help and I had a scary dream"  I told him he could sleep next to me, but  I suggested to him that he should say a prayer to help him not be sad.  So we once again prayed for help.  In the morning I asked what his scary dream was about and he told me he was playing in the basement with sponge bob and an invisible man turned out the lights and took him.  Ha ha, dang invisible man!!  

I love to watch my kids grow up.  I love that Tegan is learning about prayer and has a desire to ask Him for help.  I hope that he will continue to strengthen his relationship with Him and learn to always rely on Him for help.  

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the cutest parents! Always doing what is best for those adorable boys! They sure are lucky to have you two!
