Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day Four: Ice Cream and Isolettes

Day four was kind of a set back. Beckem had to be put back on high flow because he couldn't handle breathing on his own. His breathing rate went up and he started retracting really bad. They tried bottle feeding but he didn't want anything to do with it. We are just taking it one day at a time.

The NICU does a really cute thing for all the siblings. On Fridays they meet with all the brothers and sisters and explain to them about the NICU and tell them what is going on with their baby, then they color a picture for the baby and have ice cream. After they were done with all of that they got to scrub in and go see their sibling. The boys were SO EXCITED to finally get to see Beckem for the first time. It was so fun.

Kyson had the hardest time not being able to hold him, he just wanted to touch him so bad.

When Zac and I went up for our night visit Beckem actually had been requiring his air flow to be up to 5 liters which is a hugh set back, but by the time we got there he was down to 3 liters. The nurse let us hold him as long as we wanted to, it was so nice. I could have sat and held him all night long, but he is still under the lights so we put him back under the lights after about two hours. It felt like heaven holding him for so long. It's hard to see your sick baby and not get to love them. Hopefully he will be doing better tomorrow and we will be making progress towards coming home.

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