Sunday, June 30, 2024

Idaho Camping Trip 2024

 Two days before we were going to come home, Zac and I went for a dirt bike ride.  On the trail there were some trees that were cut down, but not moved off the trail completely.  We were going pretty fast and I didn't move in time to dodge the tree.  It slammed into my leg and threw me off my bike.  I thought I broke my leg, but luckily it wasn't.  It was just a massive soft tissue injury.  It hurt like a bugger though. . . Dang dirt bikes!!  

This kid didn't let two broken legs stop him from having fun!!  

This is what happens when mom goes into the store and dad is left with four boys in the car.  Sharpie mustaches happen ha ha 

Friday, June 28, 2024

Memories in June 2024

After a very LONG time waiting, my brother was finally able to come home from his deployment in Africa.  So happy for him and his family!!  

We are loving every minute on the boat!!  The Beus family got to come out and play with us a few times.  

Oakley and Kyson are always a blast to hang out with!!  

Boden caught a frog and put him in my flower bed.  He comes out to see me at night when I water my flowers.  I named him Todd and I love having a little friend visit me each night when I am enjoying my flowers!!  

Even with two broken legs, Tegan is still out in the garage working on his truck or someone's truck.  Him and Kyson love their trucks!! 

Our neighbor Wendy gave us three free tickets to Lagoon.  I got to go spend the day with these cute boys.  They are growing up TOO FAST!!  

Boating, Boating and More Boating!!  I LOVE IT!!  

Abi and Spencer got engaged, they will be getting hitched Aug. 10, 2024 

Look at Boden's curls!!  

Before we headed up camping in Idaho, we celebrated Tegan's birthday.  He was having a hard time smiling because two days before this picture he got his wisdom teeth out.  Poor kid, he has been through a lot this past month!!  

Enjoying some Sunshine

At the end of school I got to go help at Field Day with Boden.  He is so cute!!  Can't believe I will no longer have any boys in Elementary School :(