Saturday, February 24, 2024

Sweethearts 2024

Tegan and Emma off to Sweethearts 2024 


Thursday, February 1, 2024

January Memories

Sophia was drawing on her new app and she made “aunt Shelece” :) red hair and all 

Rocky loves to have family prayer with us at night 

Ella made me this cute 

Oakley came to support Kyson at this basketball game.  They are such great friends 

Ice fishing at mantua lake

Kyson was with Zac at Smith and Edwards looking at ice fishing tents and a guy came up to them and said, “Hey I have one that is hardly used that I will sell you for half the price at my house if you are interested” so Zac and Kyson followed the guy over to his house and Kyson scored him a nice ice fishing tent.  I tell you what, that kid must be living right because he always finds himself a deal or gets free things.  It’s pretty awesome 

I love that Grandma sits down with the kids and colors or does puzzles.  One of the boys favorite things to do is play games with Grandma and Grandpa.  We are blessed to have them so close!! 

Look how much snow dumped at Nana and Papa’s in ONE day!!  I love snowy winters!! 

While I was at my national sales meeting Zac was grilling the boys dinner and Rocky got into the tinfoil.  Zac was worried about him, but he watched him that night.  He seemed fine, but the next day he wouldn’t eat or drink.  By that night Zac was really worried about him.  He called the emergency vet and they told him he needed to been seen ASAP.  Zac Face Timed me while they were at the Vet’s office and I started to cry.   Rocky looked SO SAD!!  I felt so bad for him.  Luckily they were able to give him fluids and send him home.  By the next morning he perked back up and was his happy self again.

I love the team I work with.  We got to go to dinner one night as a team.  I always laugh and have such a great time when I am with these girls!!  

We had our national meeting in Orlando Florida.  It was SO NICE to go out and enjoy the sunshine on my daily walks.  It was a beautiful resort!!